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Picture Power

Give your content the best opportunity to succeed, you work very hard to get traffic to your website so when you get the customer’s interest make sure you give then what they need to see, otherwise they will move along and all you will see is another bounce on your Google Analytics report. You can then convince yourself everyone is just visiting your site to find your phone number!

People respond better to images – if that was not true there would be no Insta, imagine that! 

Dense Content

In today’s society where everything is instant and competition is fierce, content is key.

The average user’s attention span to an unknown brand is ever decreasing, you need to draw them in instantly.

There are so many examples of websites that have essentially recycled content from other sites. They may have tweaked a few bits and served it to their consumers or written too much spiel that it causes user’s to go into autopilot mode and lose all interest.

Therefore, you need to make your content compelling but relevant to your brand, so that they take action.

Dense content is the relevance of words or content per word value, this way there’s less time spent padding out your writing, more value within your content and your website users are happier!

High-quality images are also very important and valuable. Visual content is more important than ever; way back in 2017 Marketer Jeff Bullas cited that articles with images get 94% more views than those without. Furthermore, the content that you create can then be applied to social media marketing posts, which helps to spread awareness of your brand. This is all still true today in 2022 – the basics never change.