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Smart HS

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Smart HS

How do you train people to use farm equipment without leaving the couch? Send them to Smart HS!

Simply put this project was designed to help farm owners and managers to cover their arse! These days when someone has an accident it has to be someone else’s fault – proving you have trained somebody is extremely difficult so Smart HS was conceived.

Graham Foote wrote all of the courses and we set up a system for clients to be able to buy a course online, read and watch videos about each topic and then sit a test to prove they understand the material – it might just save their life and limbs and keep the owners and managers out of prison.

The students can sit their exam and if they have to leave to attend to an emergency it will pause the test so they don’t have to start all over again. 

Once they pass they receive a certificate of achievement and they can all go about their business.

Developed in Concrete5 with Stripe as the payment gateway the system is, well if we do say so ourselves, pretty Smart!
